Excellent! One thing worth analyzing is that there is no penalty/incentive to Hippie Harry Potter chibi on a dark desert highway cool wind in my hair shirt. Even in a ten-party system, I’d know I could skip over the (modest sarcasm ahead!) “Hippie Collectivist” and “Jeezus Fundamentalist” parties by the names alone. These poor people, I cannot even begin to imagine their reality right now. Without just those things we take for granted every day they simply can’t stay there, but for somewhere will they go, with what money? Some have family they can’t find, it’s not like you can just pick up and leave and rebuild your life without a penny to your name, or if they have no way to access the money they do have. Absolute devastation, I’m heartbroken for them.
Buy this shirt: Hippie Harry Potter chibi on a dark desert highway cool wind in my hair shirt
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